Immunization Requirements

What’s different about the new immunization dose requirements for school?
Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, school immunization requirements will include:
  • 2 (rather than 1) doses of chickenpox vaccine at
    • TK/Kindergarten entry
    • 7th grade advancement
    • TK/K-12 admission or transfer
  • 2 MMR doses and 3 Hepatitis B vaccine doses at admission or transfer for most K-12 students.
As these requirements reflect longstanding national recommendations, many children have already met these requirements. 
Do students admitted in previous school years have to meet the new requirements in the 2019-2020 school year?
If a child is considered an admission at any school at any date on or after July 1, 2019 (including transfer students), the child will need to meet the newer immunization requirements in effect at the time of admission.
If a child is advancing to 7th grade in the fall of 2019 or later, the child must meet the 7th grade requirements in effect at the time of entry into 7th grade (i.e., 1 dose of Tdap, 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine).
If a child has an expiring personal beliefs exemption prior to attending school on or after July 1, 2019, the child will need to meet all current immunization requirements.