Karla Sanchez, Ph.D. » Home


Dr. Sánchez is a bilingual, bicultural San Diego native. Officially, her relationship with education started more than a decade ago, after receiving a  Bachelor of Science in Psychology degree which helped in her roles as an Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapist providing one-on-one support to children with Autism in their homes and later as a Behavior Specialist in residential group homes for foster youth. After completing her Master of Science in Special Education and Education Specialist teaching credential, she worked in various roles, such as co-teaching, self-contained Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) classes, and resource teacher serving students with Emotional Disturbance (ED). 
Dr. Sánchez went on to complete her Administrative Services Credential, and before her role at Elevate School, she worked as a Special Education Program Specialist overseeing two high school sites and later as a Special Education Coordinator managing all programs and services at the district level. Most recently completed her Ph.D. in Education for Social Justice from the University of San Diego, where she focused her research on educator pedagogy in promoting equitable opportunities for At-Promise Youth Receiving Special Education Services. In addition to the aforementioned roles, Dr. Sánchez partners with various stakeholders and professionals in the education departments of local universities to teach as adjunct faculty and develop leadership development programming for emerging professionals in Education.