Board of Directors » Veronica Maxwell

Veronica Maxwell

Veronica Maxwell brings extensive expertise to the field of education, with a diverse background encompassing roles such as teacher, principal, instructional coach, and department coordinator in various educational settings. Currently, she serves as the coordinator for the Assessment, Accountability, and Evaluation Department at the San Diego County Office of Education in California. In this capacity, Veronica actively assists school districts across the county in developing effective Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) that align with state accountability requirements. She achieves this by offering professional learning opportunities and services to support their implementation.
Veronica's personal background as a first-generation American, with Spanish as her first language, has instilled in her a profound dedication to advocating for educational equity for all learners. She is deeply passionate about giving back to the community and ensuring excellence for every student.
With over twenty-five years of experience, Veronica possesses profound leadership skills and a deep commitment to fostering school equity-driven transformation. In her previous position as the lead administrator for the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Department in the San Diego Unified School District, she provided evidence-based coaching and guidance to principals, aiding them in improving equitable outcomes for all students. She comprehensively understands implementing and supporting initiatives focused on equity and continuous improvement.
In addition to coaching and instructional support, Veronica has assisted school leaders in developing and executing their school and district plans. She guides them in conducting comprehensive Needs Assessments and creating action plans prioritizing Asset-biased Systems, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instruction, Family and Community Engagement, and Student Agency. Moreover, she leads district teams in meeting and maintaining compliance with objectives for state and federally-funded programs.
Veronica holds a bachelor of science degree from the University of California, Irvine, and a master's degree in educational leadership from San Diego State University.